[apparmor] GSoC proposal text v2

Jamie Strandboge jamie at canonical.com
Mon Mar 11 22:57:57 UTC 2013

On 03/11/2013 05:06 PM, John Johansen wrote:
> On 03/10/2013 05:56 PM, Christian Boltz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Am Sonntag, 10. März 2013 schrieb John Johansen:
>>> On 03/10/2013 07:54 AM, Christian Boltz wrote:
>>>> Am Samstag, 9. März 2013 schrieb John Johansen:

>>>> I'd also
>>>> +  The profile development tool should be written in Python or Go.
>>>> (assuming Go is another programming language you'd like ;-)
>>> Well yes and no. Its a possibility and it is something that I am
>>> supposed to learn, so its in the set of languages for maintenance.
>> BTW: would perl also be an option or do you want to get rid of it?
> I don't mind it for smaller utilities but I have found when the
> utility gets larger it just gets harder and harder to maintain.
> Python is the language most of the active developers are most familiar
> with with Perl being very rusty for most of us.
> From an Ubuntu perspective perl is problematic as much of the perl
> library is not available for core utilities that are part of the
> install CD, so having it in perl would mean it would like not be
> possible to put it on the CD image. I don't think that is a show
> stopper for genprof/logprof but it does loose us flexibility there.
Hmmm, I'm kinda thinking it would be a show stopper. We've long had a
goal to move to Python-- various tools are being rewritten in it and new
tools are using python too. In addition, if we use python, we can use
pyunit in our test framework which is something most of the active
developers have a lot of experience with. If we use perl (or even Go,
which I was a little surprised to see), I think we would be in the same
position we are now-- tools that few are really engaged with and a
testsuite that is hard to get into.

My 2 cents...

Jamie Strandboge                 http://www.ubuntu.com/

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