[apparmor] Backported versions of apparmor

John Johansen john.johansen at canonical.com
Tue Jun 25 09:19:35 UTC 2013

Previously we have only provided the upstream version apparmor + some
compatibility patches with apparmor 3 (current development version)
we have done the work to provide a backported version of apparmor3 to
previous kernel versions, currently 3.0 - 3.10 have been tested.

The patches have been done so that they are are series of patches on top of
apparmor3 and have information about which kernel versions and commits
they apply to. The patch set has been designed to apply only to the
apparmor code and not change the interfaces/abi of the kernels that
apparmor3 is backported to.

The upstream apparmor project does not plan to ship specific kernels
enabled with these patches, but we will provide the patches, instructions
and even help for those who decide needing to backport apparmor3 to a
previous kernel version.

Once apparmor3 has been fully accepted upstream and has been there for
multiple kernel revisions. We will reevaluate if supporting this form
of backport is still desirable.

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