[apparmor] [patch 0/3] Separate out libapparmor headers

Steve Beattie steve at nxnw.org
Tue Dec 24 20:59:32 UTC 2013

This patch series:

  1) moves the publicly visible libapparmor headers into a separate
     location in the libapparmor source tree, which can be included by
     source files in other parts of our tree without worrying about
     libapparmor internals or conflicting header names.

  2) updates the parser patch from Tyler Hicks to use the new header
     location as part of the include paths when building against in-tree

  3) updates the previous patch I submitted for the regression tests
     to build against in-tree libapparmor to also use the new header

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>

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