[apparmor] openSUSE Summit
Christian Boltz
apparmor at cboltz.de
Sat Mar 31 09:00:22 UTC 2012
maybe you have already heard that the openSUSE Summit will take place
from September 21-23, 2012 in Orlando Florida.
I was asked if I want to give a workshop about AppArmor, but
unfortunately the timing is very bad (the summit is in the middle of
grape harvest, which means I can't go there).
Is one of you interested to visit the summit and do a workshop there?
(See CfP below for details.)
Talks or workshops on other topics are of course also welcome as long
as they have something to do with Linux and/or match the openSUSE motd
"Have a lot of fun...".
Feel free to forward the CfP to a more broader audience in the Ubuntu
world ;-)
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -----
Von: Jos Poortvliet <jos at opensuse.org>
An: opensuse-announce at opensuse.org
Betreff: [opensuse-announce] openSUSE Summit website up and CfP started!
Datum: Donnerstag, 29. März 2012
The openSUSE community is happy to announce that starting March 29 the
openSUSE Summit team will accept session proposals for the openSUSE Summit.
The openSUSE Summit will take place from September 21-23, 2012 in Orlando
Florida at the Caribe Royale Hotel. The proposal submission period ends on
June 15, 2012 at midnight EDT. Final announcement of the program will occur
on or before July 23, 2012. Starting today our website on
summmit.opensuse.org is online and ready to inform you about our summit!
The Summit aims to continue the tradition of fun and exciting gatherings for
openSUSE in the Americas. We will deliver a bi-lingual event with some
sessions offered in English and some in Spanish. In good openSUSE spirit we
also want to make this event as welcoming as possible by inviting other
projects to participate in the Summit.
=Paper submissions=
We hereby invite the openSUSE and wider Free Software community to submit
session proposals for the openSUSE summit. The openSUSE Summit will have 3
tracks as outlined below. Presentations, BoF (Birds of a Feather) sessions
and work shops are expected to align with the track topic.
* openSUSE Community
The openSUSE Community track provides information and discussion around the
openSUSE community. Topics include but are not limited to Project governance
and organization, ambassadorship and getting involved.
* openSUSE Tech
The openSUSE Tech track provides information, discussion, and hands on
experience with the technology that makes openSUSE tick. Topics in this
track include, but are not limited to the openSUSE development model,
Packaging workshops, the Open Build Service, KIWI and more.
* open World
The open World track provides a platform to present your project, or listen
to the interesting things our sponsors want to share. Topics in this track
may cover demos and HowTos, FOSS project introductions, or other interesting
topics from areas such as the "Maker movement". This is also the platform
for cross-community collaboration with upstream or other Linux
The openSUSE Summit, by virtue of being an openSUSE event, has fun high on
the agenda. Therefore, proposals that are "outside the box" of a "regular"
software focused conference are encouraged. Collaboratively Building a Giant
Paper Mache Geeko has already been proposed and rejected due to
environmental concerns.
=How to submit session proposals=
Submit proposals for the openSUSE Summit using the registration and
submission website at [1]. If you have not spoken at a previous openSUSE
event, please create a new account to submit an abstract. The abstract
submission should contain at least a 200 word description of the topic you
plan to discuss, as well as a short (~ 50 word) description of yourself.
*Please note:* All openSUSE events are governed by the openSUSE Code of
Conduct [2]. The speaker guidelines [3] outline requirements for the
submission of proposals and provide other valuable information for speakers.
[1] http://bit.ly/HiXb2X
[2] http://bit.ly/HmIqwJ
[3] http://bit.ly/HiXydO
Christian Boltz
If Microsoft is the solution, I want my problems back.
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