[apparmor] [patch] some comments for create-apparmor.vim.py
Christian Boltz
apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Mar 23 23:24:39 UTC 2012
this patch adds some comments to create-apparmor.vim.py that explain
the more interesting[tm] regexes.
=== modified file 'utils/vim/create-apparmor.vim.py'
--- utils/vim/create-apparmor.vim.py 2012-03-22 20:26:20 +0000
+++ utils/vim/create-apparmor.vim.py 2012-03-23 23:19:05 +0000
@@ -78,12 +78,13 @@
# -> currently (2011-01-11) not, but might come back
aa_regex_map = {
- 'FILE': r'\v^\s*(audit\s+)?(deny\s+)?(owner\s+)?(\/|\@\{\S*\})\S*\s+',
- 'DENYFILE': r'\v^\s*(audit\s+)?deny\s+(owner\s+)?(\/|\@\{\S*\})\S*\s+',
+ 'FILE': r'\v^\s*(audit\s+)?(deny\s+)?(owner\s+)?(\/|\@\{\S*\})\S*\s+', # Start of a file rule
+ # (whitespace_+_, owner etc. flag_?_, filename pattern, whitespace_+_)
+ 'DENYFILE': r'\v^\s*(audit\s+)?deny\s+(owner\s+)?(\/|\@\{\S*\})\S*\s+', # deny, otherwise like FILE
'auditdenyowner': r'(audit\s+)?(deny\s+)?(owner\s+)?',
'auditdeny': r'(audit\s+)?(deny\s+)?',
- 'FILENAME': r'(\/|\@\{\S*\})\S*',
- 'EOL': r'\s*,(\s*$|(\s*#.*$)\@=)',
+ 'FILENAME': r'(\/|\@\{\S*\})\S*', # just a filename (taken from @@FILE@@)
+ 'EOL': r'\s*,(\s*$|(\s*#.*$)\@=)', # End of a line (whitespace_?_, comma, whitespace_?_ comment.*)
'TRANSITION': r'(\s+-\>\s+\S+)?',
'sdKapKey': " ".join(benign_caps),
'sdKapKeyDanger': " ".join(danger_caps),
Christian Boltz
| Yes, I know. But there are even conjobs running as user games?
Sometimes when cron is bored he starts playing games, didn't you know?
;-) [Aschwin Marsman and Robert Schiele opensuse]
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