[apparmor] mount rule question

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Mon Mar 12 22:23:05 UTC 2012


Am Montag, 12. März 2012 schrieb Seth Arnold:
> About the more specific mount rules, yes, that would work for me -- I
> use the same usb mass storage adapter to get files from my camera and
> the same ebook reader. (Well, I do all my mounting manually, by hand,
> but still.) But a distribution won't have that luxury when shipping a
> profile for the magic windows-style mounting behavior -- it'll have
> to support all devices without hassle.

The only restriction a distribution can do is: allow only mountpoints 
/media/* (at least that's what openSUSE uses for automagically mounted 

This restricton makes sure that an application can't umount your /home 
or /usr ;-) - but obviously it can't protect your ebook reader from 
being mounted as /media/something.

And BTW, the "mount" rule should not allow "umount". That would be 
unexpected behaviour IMHO.


Christian Boltz
>So, Helm aufsetz und auf Steine wart ...
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[> Manfred Tremmel und David Haller in suse-linux]

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