[apparmor] [PATCH] allow read of @{HOME}/.cups/client.conf

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Wed Jan 4 18:52:32 UTC 2012


Am Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012 schrieb Steve Beattie:
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 06:13:39PM -0600, Jamie Strandboge wrote:

> > apparmor-2.7.0.orig/profiles/apparmor.d/abstractions/cups-client	
> > apparmor-2.7.0/profiles/apparmor.d/abstractions/cups-client

Is this an indirect nomination for the 2.7 branch? ;-)

> > +  # client should be able to read user-specified cups configuration
> > +  @{HOME}/.cups/client.conf r,

> Should this have the owner attribute?

Maybe, but I'm not sure if we have to be that strict.

> Also, while trying to track down what information is stored in the
> client.conf file, I discovered that I have a ~/.cups/lpoptions file
> which contains my default printer. I suspect both /etc/cups/lpoptions
> and @{HOME}/.cups/lpoptions should be added to the abstraction as
> well.

Yes, read access to lpoptions (in /etc and ~/.cups) also makes sense.

FYI: The openSUSE 12.1 release notes say:

    CUPS 1.5 no longer supports the ~/.cupsrc or ~/.lpoptions 
    configuration files from CUPS 1.1. 
    Instead use ~/.cups/client.conf and ~/.cups/lpoptions that were 
    introduced with CUPS 1.2.

(Please do _not_ add permissions for the old config file locations.)


Christian Boltz
Hm, mich hat Frust in meiner Linuxanfangszeit doch eher beflügelt, 
ich hab mir gedacht, dem Schrotthaufen Code zeig ich mal, wer die 
Hosen anhat. Wobei, ich zappel wohl hier immer noch eher in einem 
Strampelanzug herum ;) [Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner in suse-linux]

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