[apparmor] Learning apparmor

Diane Trout diane at ghic.org
Tue Dec 18 17:31:46 UTC 2012

Thank you for the quite detailed response to my first questions.

Can you have overlaping rules in one file?


profile spectrum-common /usr/bin/{spectrum2_manager,spectrum2} {
  # acccess config file
  /etc/sepectrum2/** r,

# manager should be able to launch children
/usr/bin/spectrum2_manager {
  /usr/bin/spectrum2 rm,

#daemon should access net
/usr/bin/spectrum2 {
  #include <abstractions/nameservice>

If given that, would the spectrum-common rules apply to both?

I'm also assuming that if there's a way to use it ix is also a good choice. (Especially if I want to wrap my pbuilder jobs). 

Is there a more detailed explanation of the between P and C modes?

The man page implies both require that there is a profile defined for the subprocess. One requires a profile, one requires a "local" profile.

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