[apparmor] [Patch 0/10] DFA rework - split out permission handling

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Mon Oct 31 19:24:51 UTC 2011


Am Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011 schrieb John Johansen:
> This is the first set of patches in the permission and dfa backend
> rework. This set is some basic cleanups and changes to how the
> permission nodes are stored, so that we can have more information in
> them to fix merging and other issues that we currently skirt with
> permission hashing.

Your figures look very impressive, especially the memory usage.

I won't comment on patches affecting C code ;-) but I have a generic 
question: Are you proposing this set of patches for 2.7 or will you 
delay merging until 2.7 has been released (or branched)?


Christian Boltz
> Seit wann gibts denn eine Linux Version von "The Bat"?
Ich glaube kaum, das sich der Pinguin mit ner Fledermaus einlässt.
[> Oliver Arp und Michael Raab in suse-linux]

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