[apparmor] [PATCH] add irssi profile to apparmor-profiles for Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10

Jamie Strandboge jamie at canonical.com
Mon Jul 18 14:21:41 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 15:25 -0700, Steve Beattie wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 04:55:37PM -0500, Jamie Strandboge wrote:

> I found, with a stock irssi install on Ubuntu 10.10, that I needed to add
> the following to your 11.04 policy:
>   /usr/share/irssi/themes/*.theme r,
>   /usr/share/irssi/help/* r,
Committed locally. Is this an ACK for committing the profile to the

> I also note that existence of /usr/share/irssi/scripts/, but my irssi
> fu is not knowledgable enough to know how those are used.

Maybe just leave this out until it is demonstrably needed?

Jamie Strandboge             | http://www.canonical.com
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