[apparmor] [Merge] lp:~sdeziel/apparmor-profiles/unbound-profile into lp:apparmor-profiles
Christian Boltz
apparmor at cboltz.de
Thu Dec 15 09:47:09 UTC 2011
Am Mittwoch, 30. November 2011 schrieb Simon Déziel:
> === modified file 'ubuntu/12.04/usr.sbin.unbound'
> + /etc/passwd rm,
> + /etc/group rm,
Minor nitpicking: Can someone change this to "mr" instead of "rm",
please? Then it would follow the usual order all other profiles have,
and would also avoid misunderstandings if an AppArmor newbie reads the
profile ("what, unbound is allowed to delete (rm) /etc/passwdd?!?")
Needless to say: I pre-ACK this change ;-)
Christian Boltz
[Windows remote herunterfahren] einfach ein Nichtgepatchtes Windows
verwenden und einen der tausen Viren, die letztes Jahr die Maschinen
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