[apparmor] [patch] /var/run in profiles/apparmor/profiles/extras/sbin.dhclient

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Mon Aug 8 23:14:52 UTC 2011


I just grepped through all profiles and found a last one that has 
/var/run/ instead of /{,var/}run//{,var/}run/

Therefore I propose the following patch:

=== modified file 'profiles/apparmor/profiles/extras/sbin.dhclient'
--- profiles/apparmor/profiles/extras/sbin.dhclient     2011-08-08 20:54:23 +0000
+++ profiles/apparmor/profiles/extras/sbin.dhclient     2011-08-08 23:12:42 +0000
@@ -69,6 +69,6 @@
   /sbin/ip mrix,
   /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action mrix,
   /var/lib/dhcp/* rw,
-  /var/run/nm-dhclient-*.conf r,
+  /{,var/}run/nm-dhclient-*.conf r,


Christian Boltz
Confixx hat der Teufel erfunden, und weils so schmerzhaft ist,
gleich danach Plesk. [Jim Knuth in postfixbuch-users]

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