Hi, I'm Lucio Messina, and I want to submit an app for the Ubuntu App Showdown.<br>
I'm Italian and I don't speak English very well, so forgive me.<br>
I wrote some C++ code and then I began to learn how to package my application.<br>
After three days of trying, I made my application install in /opt, how is shown here:<br>
But when I run lintian on my package it says:<br>
"dir or files in opt"<br>
on the rules I read: "[my app should] Be able to be installed into the <tt>/opt/<package-name></tt> directory (*)"<br>
why lintian doesn't allow me to create files in /opt?<br>
How can i solve my problems?<br>
Thank you for the answer and sorry for bothering you.<br>
Lucio Messina<br>
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