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<title>Ubuntu Developer Portal Application Status Update</title>
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<div id="status_msg">
Your application Qreator Needs Information
<div id="thanks">Thank you for your patience during the moderation process.</div>
<div id="details">
We need some information
<div id='meaning'>
<p>Please respond to this request from our approval team,
and then resubmit your application:</p>
<p class="pre">So I ran 'quickly package --extras' in a branch of qreator. From what I see, there are a few things that aren't working correctly:
1) the desktop file is installed to /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/qreator/share/applications/ The system won't pick it up there.
2) The Exec and Icon lines in the desktop file don't point to the actually installed files in opt:
Even if you edit the icon path to be correct for opt, setup.py stomps on it since "datadir" isn't set correctly and this is called:
for line in fin:
if 'Icon=' in line:
line = "Icon=%s\n" % (datadir + 'media/qreator.svg')
3) The debian/changelog isn't given an appropriate version number for extras.
4) It sets --install-{lib, scripts, data} correctly, but it also needs to set --prefix since there's magic in setup.py like: self.prefix + '/share/qreator/'
And some minor things picked up by lintian:
P: qreator source: out-of-date-copyright-format-uri http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file&rev=135
Should be: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
W: qreator source: debhelper-overrides-need-versioned-build-depends (>= 7.0.50~)
W: qreator source: package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends 8
W: qreator source: unused-build-dependency-on-cdbs
W: qreator source: ancient-standards-version 3.8.3 (current is 3.9.3)
Then, of course, lintian hates opt, but that's a known issue.
I guess we should probably try to capture some of this as bug reports against quickly? I'm not sure what's already filed.
I tried to note about everything, but might of missed something. I pushed a branch to:
It creates a package that build, installs, and works from opt on precise. It should be more or less ready.
Oh, very cool app!</p>
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