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<title>Ubuntu Developer Portal Application Status Update</title>
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<div id="status_msg">
Your application jMonkeyEngine 3 Needs Information
<div id="thanks">Thank you for your patience during the moderation process.</div>
<div id="details">
We need some information
<div id='meaning'>
<p>Please respond to this request from our approval team,
and then resubmit your application:</p>
<p class="pre">Thanks for your submission, a very quick look at the content of your package shows that everything seems to be mostly at the right place.
There should just be one small change which is to use /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/jmonkeyplatform instead of /opt/jmonkeyplatform
Also, it'd be great if you could submit the source package as that's what we need for the review and upload.
Even better would be if you can have a PPA with the source uploaded there so we can review both the source and resulting binary at one place.
Please remember that to qualify for extras.ubuntu.com, you need to have all the binaries included in your package to be built from the source package. A very quick look showed me you had a few bundled jars which wouldn't be allowed in extras.ubuntu.com.</p>
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Visit the developer portal
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<a href="https://software-center.ubuntu.com/dev/">Ubuntu developer</a>