JustCloud has developer feedback

Ubuntu Software Center noreply at canonical.com
Mon Mar 25 12:01:44 UTC 2013

Thank you for providing feedback for JustCloud.

Current status:  Your application JustCloud is Pending review.

You provided the following feedback:

Before building and installing the package, prerequisites and modifications below should be satisfied and made to make sure all python module are set properly.

Python: >=2.7

Python modules needed: 
                       wx (>= 2.8.12), cx_Freeze (>= 4.2), dbus (>= 0.83), boto (>= 2.6),requests (>= 1.1),
                       dateutil (>= 1.5), setuptools (>=0.6), sqlalchemy (>= 0.7.10), pyinotify (>= 0.9.3),
                       poster (>= 0.8.1), duplicity (>= 0.6.19) (these modules are included in Build-         
                       Depends debian packages)

Visit the developer portal at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/ to find out more.
To view your application, go to https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/2225/


The Ubuntu Software Center team
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