clearing old ARB submissions

Bhavani Shankar R bhavi at
Mon Jan 21 13:43:08 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Bhavani Shankar R <bhavi at> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 4:14 AM, Allison Randal <allison at> wrote:
>> As suggested in:
>> It's probably about time to do a queue flush on old submissions. In the
>> past we did this by release: since the ARB only approves apps for the
>> current release (quantal), we drop all submissions entered for precise
>> and earlier releases. The apologetic comment to the app author will
>> invite them to resubmit after they test that their app works properly on
>> quantal.
>> If the ARB members decide this is an appropriate action to take at this
>> time, I volunteer to help with the effort of drafting a friendly note
>> for app authors, and with closing out old submissions.
>> Allison
> Hi Allison,
> As discussed on the irc below is the draft to clean/flush arb queue for now.
> " Hello <name>.
>   We apologize to let you know that due to the amount of submissions
> we the ARB received and since we are in a period of transition yet, We
> only review apps for the current release i.e  quantal and you are
> welcome to resubmit your app again after building and testing your app
> for quantal.
> Thanks for your patience and hope to see you back again as your app is
> valuable to us.
> Regards,
> <Name>. "
> Feedback welcome :-)
> Regards,


Just a ping to check whether you have had the time to look at the above :-)

Requesting your thoughts on the same.


Bhavani Shankar
Ubuntu Developer       |

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