Review: OrthCal

Bhavani Shankar R bhavi at
Tue Sep 4 13:55:54 UTC 2012

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos
<dgkontopoulos at> wrote:
> Hi All! Thank you for the review! I pushed the changes that you requested.
> 2012/9/3 Bhavani Shankar R <bhavi at>
>> - The docs, Readme.Debian and Readme.Source files have no reasonable
>> content as of now and can be removed I guess
>> - The /source directory is empty as of now. You can consider creating
>> a format file inside that and adding 3.0 (native) to it
>> - The source link and the Upstream-Contact field in d/copyright file is
>> missing
>> (You might want to consider updating to
> All done.

Thanks a lot!

>> - The desktop file doesnt seem to work with me as yet
> The way I've written the program, the desktop file will either cause
> OrthCal's
> indicator to be launched or, if it's already in the indicator area, it will
> cause
> OrthCal to launch, showing the daily feasts in the New Calendar.
> I guess that created the confusion. I could have the desktop file launch
> both
> the indicator and the main program if you would like.

Seems reasonable for me now.

>> and lintian
>> throws out the following warning:
>> W: orthcal: desktop-command-not-in-package
>> usr/share/applications/extras-orthcal.desktop perl
> For some reason, the Exec part of the desktop file has to be
> "/usr/bin/perl /opt/"
> in order for the launcher to start OrthCal.
> Removing 'perl' and listing only the script's location disables the
> launcher, even
> if the script has a correct Perl shebang and runs just fine from terminal. I
> am
> clueless as to why that happens. Please, tell me how I could change the
> desktop
> file and have the launcher work at the same time.

Maybe perl program while executing looks for the full path in .desktop
file. You can override the warning if you wish.

>> - There are three binary files generated in the package:
>> -rwxr-xr-x root/root        99 2012-09-03 20:08 ./usr/bin/OrthCal and
>> -rwxr-xr-x root/root     28911 2012-09-03 20:08
>> ./opt/
>> and -rwxr-xr-x root/root      5175 2012-09-03 20:08
>> ./opt/
>> Kindly request your explanation on the same.
> The binary file with a location of /usr/bin/OrthCal is redundant and I
> removed it.
> Its only purpose was so that OrthCal could be launched from terminal, just
> by
> typing 'OrthCal'.

Thanks again!

> As to, its only purpose is to create an indicator for the
> program,
> whereas the main functionality comes from At the time when I was
> first writing the program, Perl did not have appindicator bindings and I had
> to
> resort to Python to create an indicator for my app. Starting with Quantal,
> Perl appindicator bindings are available through the
> libgtk2-appindicator-perl
> package. Should I target quantal and remove the Python script right now?

Again it seems reasonable to me and since app showdown apps are
targeted for precise. I would suggest keeping the same.

>> As a side note: The saints.db file is good :) (If you had got this
>> from somewhere it is advisable to mention their name in a file called
>> CONTRIBUTORS in the src package and a mention in d/copyright)
> The db file contains entries for daily feasts from two websites currently.
> -for english content- and -for greek content. I
> wrote
> myself a script to extract the information from these two sources.
> The first source offers all content under a CC BY-SA 2.5 license.

You can put any authors name and the file under a license in d/copyright


> on the other hand does not offer a specific license. Rather, they
> mention
> "freely ye have received, freely give" in Greek, explaining that anyone can
> use the
> content for any purpose, even without citing its source.
> I am citing both these sources in the about section of OrthCal. How can I
> refer to
>'s license in debian/copyright? Also, how do I explain about the db
> having
> content coming under two different licenses? In the future, more languages
> might
> be added, leading to perhaps other licenses as well.

You can list the source and put the file under public-domain I guess

> Thanks in advance.
> Dimitrios

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Bhavani Shankar
Ubuntu Developer       |

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