Issues fixed in MyApps

Anthony Lenton anthony.lenton at
Tue May 1 18:13:52 UTC 2012

Hi everybody,

We had a production release earlier today that fixed a few issues
related to ARB reviews:

 * Cannot approve or reject application in the Needs Information state

   At the bottom of the app details page for apps in the
   "Needs Information" state reviewers now have a
   "Move to review pending" button, to unblock an app that has been
   in this state for too long, or has received feedback in a comment.
   This will allow reviewers to then approve, provide further feedback
   or reject the app, picking it up from the review queue as usual.

   We're also working on providing better feedback when an app receives
   a comment (so that comments don't go unnoticed for so long), but
   that's in a separate bug that didn't make it into this release

 * Currently cannot see applications in the 'Needs Information' state

   Going to now gives you
   the option to view ARB apps in any state (except draft and deleted),
   plus the default "pending" list that's a blend of ReviewPending and

   It would be relatively straight forward to provide a restish json
   api to access this same info, please file a bug if you'd have a use
   case for this, or you're thinking about scraping those screens :)

 * Packages in the ARB process should go directly to Published without
   going to "Ready to Publish"

   This has been ready to deploy for some time now, but waiting on a
   sru to make USC work with information coming from both myapps and
   the extras repo, on oneiric and earlier (see
   As the fix for #920976 is proving to be trickier than we thought,
   myapps now filters out ARB apps for distroseries before Precise,
   so that apps can be Published in MyApps without blocking on this fix.

   Anyway, the good news here is that ARB apps no longer need to be
   held in QAPending, they can be pushed all the way through to
   Published, and USC will get the latest updated metadata from
   myapps, on P and Q.

 * Make archive_id and signing key optional during review

   For ARB apps, MyApps now assumes archive_root is going to be, and archive_id and signing key are null, so those
   fields aren't even presented in the review form.

Kind regards,


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