Music scopes for Oneiric or Precise

Allison Randal allison at
Wed Mar 14 01:52:12 UTC 2012

Okay, we'll go ahead with publishing for Oneiric. Is the latest version
of the code from these bzr repositories the best code to use for Oneiric?


When you're ready to go for Precise, submit the updated scopes the same
way you submitted for Oneiric. Actually, you can just do one submission
for the whole bunch, give it a title something like "Updated Music
Scopes for Precise". The file you submit can just be a dummy text file,
and list the bzr repositories or PPA locations for the scopes in your


On 03/13/2012 06:40 PM, Mark Tully wrote:
> Hi Alison,
> At the moment, I'm still in the process of updating and testing the
> scopes for Precise. They're not completely ready yet, so perhaps it is
> better to publish first on Oneiric, and then on Precise once the scopes
> are ready.  Also, I do not intend on submitting the rhythmbox scope for
> Precise since, as I as far as I know, a vala based scope is being
> developed as part of the unity-lens-music package for rhythmbox.  Once
> everything is ready for Precise, what must I do to get the scopes published?
> Mark
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:12 AM, Allison Randal <allison at
> <mailto:allison at>> wrote:
>     Hi Mark,
>     Thanks for submitting the Music scopes for Rhythmbox, Clementine,
>     Guayadeque, and GMusicBrowser! The way we handle scopes and lenses
>     submitted through the ARB is to bundle them into one source package
>     managed by the ARB, with a separate binary package for each lens or
>     scope.
>     I'll start building that source package now, but a question before I do:
>     I noticed that you have versions of the scopes that work on Oneiric and
>     versions that work on Precise. Since we're so close to the launch of
>     Precise, we could either publish it first on Oneiric, or just publish it
>     first on Precise. Which do you prefer?
>     Allison

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