Review: interest-calculator at
Fri Jul 20 14:12:17 UTC 2012


I tested it again(to make a .deb-file with quickly) and I have the same
problem as described in my first mail - see below: If I try to make
packages with quickly (e.g., quickly package --extras), all the files in
the ./debian - folder are overwritten. So I have no chance to make a
.deb-file with short and extended description via quickly. It is always
filled with UNKNOWN.
But on the corresponding myapps.developer-website, there is an
description - see
Some weeks ago, I developed an other software, where this description
from the website was also taken for the Ubuntu Software Center. If this
description will not be taken, I see no sense to fill out the
description fields on the website.

The reset of change-requests are affecting also the debian-folder in my
project. But I send you the files, you wanted to have changed - The
first file is the "control"-file. It contains a copy of the description
from the myapps.developer-website.
The second file is the "copyright"-file. This file is also automatically
generated with quickly. I have never touched this file before, until
now, with your desired changes.
The "</property>"-tag is now removed and the format specification seems
now valid. I don't know for what this file is, but I found this
debian-bug through google-search: and I changed
the address like in the text of this bug-description, which should work
now. I think this is also a quickly-problem.

It would be better and easier for me to communicate through the
feedback-field in the review history of my app ( ). The
status of my app is "Review in progress" which seems OK for me?!

Please contact me, If i did something wrong, but for me, all seems OK.

Kindest regards,
Marian Lux

Am 2012-07-19 23:21, schrieb Jonathan Carter (highvoltage):
> Hi Marian
> You're not out of the showdown, but these things need to be fixed in
> order for it to be included in software center:
> The short and extended description both say "UNKNOWN"
> The copyright file is invalid, it doesn't contain a valid link to a
> copyright specification and there's a random xml tag "</property>" in
> there.
> If you need any further assistance, please poke us on IRC or by mail.
> -Jonathan
> On 2012-07-12 15:18, wrote:
>> Hi!
>> What does this mail mean for me?
>> Do I am now rejected from the Ubuntu App Showdown??
>> You write from 35 source files....
>> My code is lightweight and easy to understand. Where are the 35 source
>> files?
>> I added only 3 additional dialogs after the command "quickly create
>> ubuntu-application .." (including 3 .py files ) and 2 additional
>> .py-files ( and This was my first application
>> with Python, Glade and Quickly.
>> Here are my statements for the files, i created during development.
>> Comment for the 3 additional dialogs:
>> They only contain the 3 steps that are all the same in all three
>> dialog-files:
>> 1) Calculate the results from the input-fields
>> 2) Export the results on file system in a CSV (including
>> file-chooser-dialog)
>> 3) Clear the dialog to initial state
>> Comment for the 2 additional .py-files:
>> The first contains only a constant variable and the second contains some
>> functions like conversion of float to string for the output at the
>> dialog and a file-chooser-dialog. The second file is not very long.
>> My statement for other comments:
>> I am not familiar with packaging. I only used the standard
>> quickly-commands ("share", "submitubuntu" and "package"). I don't know
>> how to solve this problems with dependencies because the  config-files
>> will be always overwritten when I am using the quickly-commands.
>> I worked very hard on this three weeks for creating my first app with
>> quickly and uploading my first app in Launchpad and I hope this app will
>> be a part of the Showdown, not be rejected and will appear in the Ubuntu
>> Software Center.
>> Please reply to me!
>> Kindest regards,
>> Marian Lux
>> Am 2012-07-12 17:51, schrieb Martin Owens:
>>> Review Done:
>>> App:
>>> Branch:
>>> lp:~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/ubuntu-app-reviews/interest-calculation
>>> License Check: GPLv3, all correct
>>> Functionality Check: All Working (12.04)
>>> Lint Results:
>>> W: The ARB wants only one changelog entry in debian/changelog, so you
>>> might
>>>    want to collate all the relevant information in one changelog entry
>>>    under the last version and date.
>>> W: This app seems to list cdbs as a Build-Depends in debian/control,
>>> but
>>>    does not use it in debian/rules. It should be safe to remove it in
>>>    debian/control.
>>> W: You might want to update the Standards-Version in debian/control to
>>>    version 3.9.3.
>>> W: This app might be too big to be reviewed by the ARB. It has 35
>>> source
>>>    files and 3933 lines of code. This might serve as reply to the app
>>>    submitter: We are sorry to inform you that this app is outside the
>>> scope
>>>    of the App Review Board. Our focus is on lightweight apps. We are
>>>    generally looking for the kind of apps which could be reviewed for
>>>    functionality and security in about an hour reading through the
>>> code.
>>> might suit you
>>>    better.
>>> W: This package does not use DEP-5, which provides a machine-readable
>>>    debian/copyright file. You might want to review
>>> to
>>>    find out how to accomplish it.
>>>    /ubuntu-app-reviews/harvestwidget/view/head:/debian/copyright has a
>>> live
>>>    example for a simple app.

-------------- next part --------------
Source: interest-calculation
Section: python
Priority: extra
Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.43),
 debhelper (>= 6), libglib2.0-bin, python (>= 2.6.6-3~),
 python-distutils-extra (>= 2.10)
Maintainer: Marian Lux <reg at>
Standards-Version: 3.8.3
XS-Python-Version: current

Package: interest-calculation
Architecture: all
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
Description: A simple and easy to use financial calculation tool with export function!
 A financial tool for interest calculation with the following features: 
 - Basic interest - Interest calculation 
 - Monthly contribution with yearly interest calculation 
 - Annuity loan - Rate calculation 
 - Export function for the results (CSV) 
 - Easy to use 
 - Works well on touchscreen 
Here are examples, of which problems can be solved with this program: 
 - I want to know how much my money is worth at the end of 11 years with the yearly interest rate of 3%? This can be also used to give somebody a loan. - How much is the final amount if I pay a   monthly contribution of 208$ with a duration of 12 years and a yearly interest rate of 3%? 
 - How much do I have to pay back every month for a given loan with 7 years of duration and a interest rate of 5%.
-------------- next part --------------
Name: interest-calculation
Maintainer: Marian Lux <reg at>

Files: *
Copyright: (C) 2012 Marian Lux marian.lux at
Copyright: (C) 2012 Marian Lux marian.lux at
License: GPL-3
 The full text of the GPL is distributed in
 /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 on Debian systems.

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