[Vote] Fogger

Owas Lone hello at owaislone.org
Thu Jul 19 04:57:59 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 4:19 AM, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
<jonathan at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 2012-07-18 18:32, Michael Hall wrote:
>> Depends on what it exposes, the Unity, Indicator and Notification APIs
>> only really give you access to things you've already send them anyway.
> Indeed, that's why I think someone should look at it, to determine what
> exactly it exposes and to which extent.
> -Jonathan
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I've fixed the copyright file and updated the arb-review branch

The JS API exposed the following desktop features to web apps,

    * Unity Launcher Entry   -  Just then entry for itself. Not
possible to acess up entries for other apps.
    * App menu and HUD - Again, limited to itself
    * Notifications
    * No read or write access is allowed to any app. Apps cannot
read/write anything from the system.

If you want to review the API bits, checkout

    * fogger_lib/Bridge.py
    * data/js/fogger.js

I'd like to publish the latest version from the ppa
(ppa:loneowais/fogger) built from quickly trunk
(lp:~loneowais/fogger/quickly_trunk) which is kept in sync with trunk
(lp:fogger) so you might want to review that as that's what I want to
be published to USC.

Thanks a lot!

Owais Lone
hello at owaislone.org

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