Fwd: Re: Information needed for Share Ubuntu Updates

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 17 15:09:23 UTC 2012

(Forwarding the e-mail to the Ubuntu App Review Board mailing list)

-------- Missatge original --------
Assumpte: 	Re: Information needed for Share Ubuntu Updates
Data: 	Tue, 17 Jul 2012 20:35:07 +0530
De: 	prasannatsmkuma
A: 	Ubuntu Software Center, David Planella

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Ubuntu Software Center
<noreply at canonical.com <mailto:noreply at canonical.com>> wrote:

    Your application Share Ubuntu Updates Needs Information
    Thank you for your patience during the moderation process.
    We need some information

    Please respond to this request from our approval team, and then
    resubmit your application:

    Hi, Thanks for your submission! Your PPA does not contain any
    packages. Please upload your app to a PPA, and send us a link.
    You'll find more details on how to do this at:
    And, an overview of the whole process at:
    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Submissions If you have any
    questions, please contact us at ubuntu-app-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
    <mailto:ubuntu-app-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>.

    View your application
    Visit the developer portal <https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/>

      Ubuntu developer <https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/>

Hi Ubuntu Team,

I tried to upload the package once I got the mail saying my package is
not uploaded but nothing happened. Now I have uploaded the package
again. Not sure whether this will work. The dput utility does not report
any errors so I guess the source is uploaded correctly.

This is the output upon running "dput
share-updates_1.1_source.changes" command:

Checking signature on .changes
gpg: Signature made Tuesday 17 July 2012 08:26:25 PM IST using RSA key
ID 5080477A
gpg: Good signature from "Prasanna Kumar T S M (Key for Ubuntu Showdown
PPA Deb creation) <prasannatsmkumar at gmail.com
<mailto:prasannatsmkumar at gmail.com>>"
Good signature on
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: Signature made Tuesday 17 July 2012 08:26:16 PM IST using RSA key
ID 5080477A
gpg: Good signature from "Prasanna Kumar T S M (Key for Ubuntu Showdown
PPA Deb creation) <prasannatsmkumar at gmail.com
<mailto:prasannatsmkumar at gmail.com>>"
Good signature on
Package includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests
that it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be
rejected by the upload queue management software.
Uploading to ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net <http://ppa.launchpad.net>):
  Uploading share-updates_1.1.dsc: done.
  Uploading share-updates_1.1.orig.tar.gz: done.
  Uploading share-updates_1.1.debian.tar.gz: done.
  Uploading share-updates_1.1_source.changes: done.
Successfully uploaded packages.

I will check and get back soon. CCing David Planella as he contacted me
about the issue previously. Thanks for the help.

Thanks and Regards,
Prasanna Kumar T S M

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