Require packages in PPA

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Tue Jan 10 15:29:15 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

David Planella, Michael Vogt, Stéphane Graber and I had a conversation
earlier and discussed the idea of requiring PPA uploads for free app

The idea was: that for a package submitter it would work like this:
they'd specify that it's a free app, then be presented with a PPA picker
(LP OpenID and some LP API magic should get it for us) and a package
picker afterwards. A simpler version would just require them to paste
the PPA URL.

This would make it a lot easier for the ARB, because we would ensure
that packages

 - are in source package form
 - actually build
 - etc.

What do you think about the proposal?

A separate idea we kicked around was to massage the combined knowledge
of the ARB into a small tool which downloads the package from the
specified PPA and performs a number of tests on them.

The script could be run by the package submitter, MyApps itself and
obviously ARB members as well. I attached a small and quick proof of

Comments welcome! :)

Have a great day,

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