
Allison Randal allison at lohutok.net
Wed Feb 22 01:49:50 UTC 2012

On 02/21/2012 08:58 AM, abel wrote:
> must be a mistake,the tree of files that have the tarballis as follows:
> (abel at blackbox)|~/Descargas> tar -ztvf leds.tar.gz
> -rwxr-xr-x abel/users     4096 2011-08-21 08:56
> Leds/source/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll
> no dll or exe files and includes license and howto create the binary
> executable, if the file has saw this list of files, then do not
> understand that it may miss; one possibility is to rewrite it
> in Perl-gtk or python-wxGTK (I do not care) and build a tree of files
> similar to that used in preparing the packet deb

This is a huge improvement. Only one .dll file (see above). Just for the
sake of comparison, I've attached the output from the same command on
the copy of leds.tar.gz that I downloaded on Feb 13th. It shows 306
filenames that match "dll", most are .dll and some are .dll.config.
Maybe you selected "Archive of Binaries" instead of "Tarball" when you
created that one?

You mentioned "a tree of files similar to that used in preparing the
packet deb", does that mean that you've already packaged this in the
.deb format? If so, we can probably use the package you already have,
maybe with a few small fixes. Otherwise, let me know and I can create
the .deb package files for you.

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