re-vision on the ARB (was: Resigning from the ARB)

Allison Randal allison at
Fri Aug 17 16:50:51 UTC 2012

On 08/14/2012 04:00 PM, Jono Bacon wrote:
> Despite the best efforts of the ARB, the gatekeeper approach is
> definitely not working. With this in mind I have been working with
> some folks to propose a new process for app devs. I will post about it
> next week when some of the thinking is jotted down.

I've been pondering what my ideal ARB process might look like, and it
seems to be completely upside down of what we have now. Instead of
manually verifying that each app meets the policy, we automatically
verify what we can (which could include /opt path checks and apparmor
profile checks), and have the system just publish if it passes those
checks. Make sure we have an easy way for users to report any violations
or bad effects, and be very responsive to remove offending packages.

That could break us free of the gatekeeper trap, and give us time to
work on better automated checks and better automated packaging.


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