Bugs tagged as 'arb'

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 10 14:06:08 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

I took an action item at UDS to raise awareness of the bugs which were
tagged with 'arb'. Most of the people I CCed on this mail are already
aware of these bugs as they were in discussions about them, but I
thought it wouldn't hurt to bring them up for discussion again.

Some might be less important than others, so maybe a review of the bug
importance would help already.

Ubuntu packages: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arb

 - software-center
   #920976 ARB apps not handled correctly when coming from s-c-agent

 - apport
   #1020503 Support package hooks and crash db configuration files in

 - quickly
   #1002423 quickly package --extras doesn't generate a correct Debian
            version for ARB submission
   #1009660 Flash game template needs packaging for extras
   #706051 Use dh_python2

 - python-distutils-extra
   #1020502 For extras.u.c ship crashdb.conf to

   #1021207 Decide what to do with .rtupdate files
   #1021216 [quickly] Allow debian/copyright to be extended

 - unity+bamf
   #903843 pyglet apps appear as "panel" in the Launcher

MyApps bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-portal/+bugs?field.tag=arb

   #920428 [free apps] add URL field for app source
   #998964 Feedback emails don't retain any comment formatting
   #1006880 Change state back to Review pending whenever the developer
            submits an update
   #1022697 Uploaded files not corresponding to the submitted app
   #1025179 [free apps] provide app list and app data through json
   #1025199 Incomplete e-mail received when submitting changes
   #1026479 Need to track user name changes in Launchpad
   #1026486 When changing state from Needs Information to Pending
            Review, send an e-mail notification with the developer

I hope this list of bugs is helpful and will start some general
discussion. :-)

Have a great day,

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