Metadata in extras (was Re: [VOTE] extra music scopes for Oneiric)

Anthony Lenton anthony.lenton at
Mon Apr 16 13:22:35 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 04/16/2012 08:24 AM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
> On 04/16/2012 09:07 AM, David Planella wrote:
>> This reminds me of a question I wanted to ask a while ago: I 
>> understand that metadata in extras.u.c is handled differently
>> than in the main archive. In a conversation with Anthony, from
>> the Server Team in Consumer Apps, it seems this makes it a bit
>> trickier for ARB apps to appear in (they are not
>> there yet).

Apps in extras will be included in the Apps Directory as of next
release, that should be happening around next week (together with apps
from the partner repository).

>> I imagine as well that the metadata is perhaps stored
>> differently due to historical reasons. In any case,
>> - Would it be possible to bring the structure of extras.u.c
>> closer to archive.u.c in order not make it easier for ARB apps to
>> appear in - If so, who's the best person to talk
>> to about this subject?
> The reason why we're storing the metadata directly in
> debian/control is because MyApps/Software-Center, last I checked
> were still buggy and wouldn't let us publish an app entirely
> without it showing up as commercial.

The data is included in the API under the "channel" field.  This
 currently reports all apps that went through the ARB queue as
 "Independent", and everything else as "Commercial".

There was an issue in USC that meant we couldn't publish through MyApps
 packages that were also in extras, I'm not sure of the state of the
 fix but mvo can provide more details.

> Once SC/MyApps do the right thing, we'll be able to drop all of
> these and the entries will show up with whatever the uploaded put
> into MyApps.
> This was supposed to be an easy bugfix + SRU that would just take
> a few days, yet it's been since January and it's still not done (or
> we weren't told that it's all done now).

Not sure which issue you mean, the channel info was mentioned during
 UDS as a requirement and was available on MyApps since before
 January[1].  I understand the client is looking at this data already
 too, is it some other issue that's preventing this from moving
 forwards or am I missing something?



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