next ARB meeting

Luke Faraone lfaraone at
Sat Oct 22 17:37:07 UTC 2011

On 22/10/11 13:16, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) wrote:
> I'm usually pretty flexible as long as I know the meeting time in
> advance enough. (I'm usually in UTC-4 or UTC+2 fwiw)

I made a chart which plots all times that I could conceivably make
meetings. Could you all fill out which times work for you? The link is:

>> I know that Luke has a conflict with the current time, but can make it
>> one hour earlier on the same day. What constraints do others have?

I can actually only do one hour later or later, see above.

> On a sidenote, are we mostly going to be present at UDS? I'd like to get
> to know the rest of the board a bit better and also catch up on some of
> the ARB ideas/goals that are still a bit unclear to me.

is the relevant meeting. I'll be at UDS.

Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs, Systems
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net --
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