Elliot stepping away from Ubuntu App Review Board

Elliot Murphy elliot at canonical.com
Mon Feb 14 21:49:03 UTC 2011

Hi Jono, fellow ARB members,

Despite my best intentions with the App Review Board I have missed the
last two meetings due to work obligations (and won't be able to attend
tomorrow) and have been unable to devote any time to ARB work. I see
no way to change the amount of time I have available to participate in
the ARB in the near future. In order to respect the Ubuntu leadership
code of conduct I think it's time for me to accept my limitations and
step down, so that I'm not holding a seat on a decision making body
without appropriately contributing to that body. I have removed myself
from the https://launchpad.net/~app-review-board team and I believe
that was the only manifestation of my membership.

Since I haven't been able to contribute much so far and this is such a
young group I don't expect my absence to have any material impact on
what the ARB is able to accomplish in the short term. Best of wishes
with your charter!
Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~statik/

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