Areas Of Focus

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Wed Dec 21 09:57:25 UTC 2011

Hello everybody,

On 19.12.2011 19:53, Jono Bacon wrote:
>  * Getting the apps reviewed - I have been talking with Daniel about
> how he can support you all with a regular cadence for app reviews. We
> had a similar challenge in the past with the sponsorship queue and
> Daniel did a wonderful job getting that back in shape. I have asked
> Daniel to work with you all to continue the implementation of a
> piloting programme to help with this.

I'm very glad a schedule of reviewers has been set up and once the queue
is shorter, I'm sure this measure will help to keep it under control.

Yesterday I took the time to give the items in the queue a quick review
(now possible where bug 886366 is fixed) - the list of submissions is
attached. A lot of them contain packaging of a kind and build - I hope
that would put reviewers into a position where something can immediately
done about the packages.

Another category of submissions is ".deb packages". This is obviously
not what we want, but I could imagine that a lot of submitters could be
asked to provide the source packages.

Some submissions contain binary bits, I put them at the bottom of the
list. (I tried to sort the list from 'top' opportunities to submissions
that likely require most work.)

>  * Getting apps packaged - I understand this is a core challenge for
> us right now. I agree with the premise of opening the queue up so
> other people can view it and package apps and submit them to the ARB,
> and I also discussed with Daniel about coordinating some ARB packaging
> days in the community. I have asked David to continue to ensure this
> queue is public and serves this purpose.

While many of the submissions will require a bit more work, it's only
around a quarter that contain no packaging at all.

>  * Metrics - I have always been a believer in if "you need to keep
> score to do great work" so I have been asking David to work with ISD
> to get some graphs that reflect the work of the ARB. I am confident
> that this will help us to see progress and identify problematic spots.
> This work should be completed before the holidays.

I agree with the above. Nothing is more encouraging than seeing the
number of items in the queue go down and accepted submissions going up.
Over time this should also give us an idea if we need more people on the
ARB or need to do a spring cleaning kind of initiative again.

Have a great day,

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