Serious concerns about ARB policy (was Re: Basenji)

Allison Randal allison.randal at
Sun Oct 3 17:05:10 BST 2010

On 02/10/10 17:47, Elliot Murphy wrote:
> For frequently encountered problems we may be able to
> show how to solve them by pointing at documentation, but I think we
> have the responsibility to show the solution that would be good
> enough to get the app accepted. If the only harm done by installing
> images into /usr/lib is violation of FHS, I think we should allow
> it.

Briefly switching into 'wishlist' mode: I'd ultimately like to see
something more like an Apple "Bundle", where an application gets a
directory (like /opt/SoftwareCenter/Basenji-0.7.1) and all of its files
(executables, images, sound files, etc) live in that directory in
standard locations. This is *much* easier for the average developer to
understand than trying to stuff their files in the right locations all
over the filesystem.


Better to modify the system once to look (for example) for .desktop
files or applets in bundle directories, than to eternally continue
warping new developer's heads around the FHS.


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