Fwd: Re: extras and /opt in Maverick

Allison Randal allison.randal at canonical.com
Wed Nov 10 00:55:36 UTC 2010

Thanks Rick for kicking off this process.

I've drafted a proposal for the Tech Board based on our discussions at 
UDS and on ubuntu-devel:


Let me know of any changes (anything I missed, or that doesn't seem to 
accurately reflect the discussions and the position of the ARB). I'll 
send it on to ubuntu-devel for discussion tomorrow.


On 11/07/2010 06:54 AM, Shane Fagan wrote:
> Hey Allison,
> Well I think everything was said in the sessions. I think its just the
> push back of /opt till 11.04 is the main thing we need to do.
> --fagan
> On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 11:19 -0400, Allison Randal wrote:
>> Continuing the conversation from the sessions at UDS. (Rick's message to
>> the ARB was caught in moderation, so I'm forwarding it.)
>> There are several other details we discussed in the session as
>> (temporary or permanent) exceptions to the current ARB specification, so
>> we should compile the list and take it to the Tech Board all at once.
>> On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 08:11 -0700, Rick Spencer wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm seeking to unblock the New Apps process on Maverick. The decision
>>> was taken that apps from extras.ubuntu.com should only be installed
>>> in /opt. However it turns out that this is not currently well supported
>>> by the Python build system and our system. For example, Python build
>>> tools can not byte compile into /opt, and it will be a non-trivial
>>> amount of work to make them do so, and would not be appropriate for an
>>> SRU.
>>> Considering the very small number of applications that will likely
>>> require review, I propose that make /opt work in Natty as part of the
>>> Software Center theme.
>>> For Maverick, I would like to remove the requirement that apps be
>>> installed into /opt. We can institute fairly detailed review of each
>>> app, considering the very small number of apps that are being submitted
>>> for review.
>>> Please let me know your thoughts, and I will be happy to take this
>>> proposal to the Technical Board.
>>> Cheers, Rick

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