X problems on Fujitsu Laptop

Lance Earl dallypost at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 10 04:02:32 UTC 2005

This may be the wrong place to ask this question but I
have run all other sources to ground and still do not
have an answer. I installed Horty on a Fujitsu
Lifebook E330. The install went without incident and
everything is working without errors. I do have one
configuration issue that is driving me to drink. I
noticed that the display was not using the top,
bottom, left or right one inches of the screen. Having
the entire desktop crowded into the center of an
already too small screen is a real pain. 

I tool a look at the bios and and found a thing called
compensation, which I enabled. This corrected the
problem as long as I stay in terminal mode. The second
that the system starts gnome, everything is forced
back to the center of the screen.

This appears to be an X problem but I am stumped as
the the possible fix.


Lance Earl

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