Where's FireFox 1.0?

Andrew Zbikowski andyzib at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 01:33:24 UTC 2004

Post compile update: The steps below work, and generate fresh out of
the compiler debs of Firefox 1.0 for Warty. Keep in mind that this is
in no way supported by anyone involved in Ubuntu or myself. I do not
know how long this will work. Usually significant changes are made to
dpkg, deb-config, and other related software between releases that
will completely and totally break this kind of back port. At that
point, you have to know the system well enough to get things working
again. I do not know the system well enough myself. ;-)

So without further ado, if you're one of the brave and bold folks who
like compiling their own software, you can, as of this writing on
November 17, 2004, rebuild Hoary's FireFox deb packages for Warty.
 1. Make sure you have the Warty deb-src lines uncommented in
 2. Run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get build-dep mozilla-firefox
 && sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev libgnome2-dev
 (the last two packages are required by 1.0, but not 0.98 or whatever
 is packaged in Warty)
 3. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list again, add the following line.
 deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main
 4. Run sudo apt-get update again.
 5. Make a temporary directory to hold the source code... (ie: mkdir ~/tmp)
 6. Change to your source code directory (ie: cd ~/tmp) and run:
  apt-get source mozilla-firefox
 (this is a 40mb download. Grab some coffee)
 7. cd to the newly created mozilla-firefox-1.0 directory (ie: cd
 ~/tmp/mozilla-firefox-1.0) and run following command:
 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
 (If you get an error about fakeroot, run sudo apt-get install fakeroot)
 8. Cross your fingers and wait. Go get some food, a beer,
whatever…this is going to take awhile. .
 9. The previous step will compile Firefox from source, then create
deb packages. When it finishes, simply use dpkg –i packagefile.deb to
install them. The resulting packages should be:


Andrew S. Zbikowski | http://andy.zibnet.us
A password is like your underwear; Change it
frequently, don't share it with others, and
    don't ask to borrow someone else's.

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