[ubuntu-mono] [Bug 34763] UVF Exception: banshee 0.10.7 -> 0.10.8

Sebastian Dröge mail at slomosnail.de
Mon Mar 13 14:29:15 GMT 2006

Public bug reported:

Affects: banshee (Ubuntu)
       Severity: Normal
       Priority: (none set)
         Status: Unconfirmed

banshee 0.10.8 was released yesterday.

It includes some bugfixes:
* DAAP works now correctly with Rhythmbox/mt-daapd and the DAAP plugin doesn't crash when the port is already used and chooses another one.
* Workaround for a mono bug that caused a crash when importing a directory with sockets/fifos/pipes
* The first track imported ever isn't imported twice anymore
* The Audioscrobbler plugin detects seeks now correctly and doesn't submit tracks twice which triggered the spam detection
* Plugins don't try to do interface changes when the interface isn't initialized yet
* Don't crash when no player engine can be initialized but report an error

Some refactoring/cleanup:
* The interfaces for talking with the player engines and querying informations was completely reworked to be much smaller, simpler and cleaner but also more powerfull. Upstream wants us to update because of this change for dapper as this would allow users to build/use newer plugins after dapper release.
* The Notification Area Icon was removed from banshee's core and is moved into a plugin now which makes the core again cleaner

Some changes that don't apply for us:
* Reworked Helix and VLC playback engines, we simply don't build them. That changes are pretty big but as we don't use them anyway...
* Generic usb mass storage support... this isn't ready yet and not built

All in all I can guarantuee that although some changes are a bit bigger
that nothing broke from 0.10.7 and everything is a bit more stable and
cleaner now.

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