Sec: Unclassified RE: proposal for our repository structure post-breezy

Sean Wheller sean at
Tue Oct 18 06:49:05 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 18 October 2005 01:49, Stoffers, Robert LAC wrote:
> I also think the current structure of our repository is a mess. I think we
> should lay it out something like this (off the top of my head):

The current structure is centered on the fact that all the distributions are 
build of the Ubuntu. Where those distributions change mainly is in the 
desktop. The generic area was supposed to support that and allow people to 
work in areas defined by desktop rather than distro, since the under distro 
is Ubuntu.

As distributions grow in number it makes sense to arrange the top-level by 
distro names. However, that assumes very little content reuse between distros 
and a massive amount of duplicate data. Technically, it may be a wrong 

When I started building kubuntu docs I built the structure in a way that used 
Ubuntu as my upstream. Even though the work was in the same repository. 
Unfortunately some people are less than sensitive to anyone or thing that is 
not working directly on Ubuntu and so Kubuntu was not able to benefit from an 
Ubuntu upstream. As a result of this and the over shadow of Ubuntu, I am 
looking to fork the current kubuntu directory and work elsewhere with total 
separation of concerns. Naturally, if we get to the point where we have 
something substantial, and other distributions wish to base themselves off of 
the Kubuntu docs we will welcome working with them to improve the degree of 
content reuse and upstream/downstream cooperation. I would like to see a 
system where distributions two or three down from kubuntu can give patches 
that will have an impact as far up as KDE docs.

To do this I am thinking of starting with KDE docs and managing Kubuntu docs 
as a patch on KDE docs.

So I am suggestion two things:
1. organization by distro folder is not necessarily the way to go if you want 
to optimize.
2. Ubuntu docs should perhaps scrap what is and start to build a custom layer 
on GNOME docs. Lord knows they could use the help.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355

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