I don't think that candy-like winxp icons are needed. <br>
1) They are not consistent with gnome.<br>
2) Without any explanation they are cryptic. The only obvious for me is
the red one. But for people who are not familiar with comics or english
(like my mom) the zzzzzzz would be hard to figure out. And what does
the triangle do?<br>
3) Accessibility issues - I am not an expert in this field, but I
suppose that screenreaders would be useless in this particular case.
Also I am not sure if the symbols/colours you are using are meaning the
same in different cultures/societies.<br>
As for me, I would prefer ordinary gnome buttons with text strings on them.<br clear="all"><br>
One other thing - shouldn't this be discussed in ubuntu-art mailing list?<br>-- <br>Sandis