To Whom It May Concern:<br>
I have tested several breezy installer CDROMs. My video card is<br>
"Inno3D Tornado GeForce FX5200 128 MB". My motherboard is<br>
"ASUS P5 800S" with an Intel Pentium4 3.0 GHz/512 MB RAM.<br>
The problem is: at boot time, it will not display the <br>
"isolinux/splash.rle" image. This happen to ALL previous <br>
installer that I have tried: UBUNTU and KUBUNTUs.<br>
The last version that I have tried was KUBUNTU <br>
24 September 2005.<br>
PS: the installer displays perfect at other video cards like<br>
NVIDIA GeForce MX 200.<br>
<br>-- <br> Ali Milis.