Browse mode...<br>
Is better than chocolate.<br>
I'm so glad this could be the default. It's finally ready again.<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote"><br>
On 8/30/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">Jeff Waugh</b> <<a href=""></a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<quote who="George Farris"><br><br>> > From Planet GNOME<br>> ><br>> > I installed Ubuntu's unstable Breezy again, after taking a break due to<br>> > the painful breakage in the last few weeks. It looks like it will
<br>> > default to the nasty Browse Mode in Nautilus instead of the regular<br>> > usable (hierarchical) spatial mode. I'm so deeply disappointed,<br>> > disheartened, and discouraged.<br>><br>> I must concur. With all the great work that went into Nautilus, would it
<br>> not make sense to keep the spacial mode by default?<br><br>Well, ignoring Murray's ridiculous tone (which we often have to do), here's<br>why we're not going with spatial in Ubuntu:<br><br> 1) Spatial scares a lot of people off through its core behaviour. Every
<br> time someone asks me, "Why are all these windows all over the screen?" I<br> know that we've failed to provide a user experience that doesn't interrupt<br> their train of thought. It's not immersive. In some cases, yes, it does not
<br> reflect their expectations (Windows, OS X, etc), but we tend to get this<br> reaction from most users of any level of experience. The filesystem is a<br> hard thing to understand in the first place, so building the experience
<br> around providing a spatial familiarity with an intellectually distant idea<br> seems... well, it's very hard to do and be immersive at the same time. :-)<br><br> 2) We tried the close-behind thing, at the request of sabdfl. It was even
<br> worse, because then it wasn't just windows all over the screen in terms of<br> location, it was suddenly windows dancing all over the screen for seemingly<br> no reason or connection to each other. People asked, "Why are these windows
<br> all over the screen?" as well as "Why are all my windows moving around the<br> screen?" It was a double-whammy. It also offended upstream, and most users<br> (and connoisseurs!) of the spatial file manager.
<br><br> 3) The browser mode has been vastly improved in GNOME 2.12. If there was<br> ever a time to dive in with it as default, it's now. Personally, I thought<br> it was appropriate to use browse mode by default back when we were putting
<br> Warty together, but wasn't strongly committed to it due to the quality of<br> the browser mode at the time. Now it rocks much harder.<br><br> 4) The spatial feature (unmolested from upstream's definition) still exists
<br> in Nautilus. As advanced users who love the feature, we know how to turn it<br> on, and we can do it any time. Go for it. :-)<br><br>- Jeff<br><br>--<br>EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th <a href=""></a><br><br> "I came for the quality, but I stayed for the freedom." - Sean Neakums<br><br>--<br>ubuntu-devel mailing list<br><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br></blockquote></div><br>