I think we need something in between, that does not waste screen real estate, see the editorial on osnews<br>
what i propose is<br>
|App Name |Menu Bar |Min Max Close|<br>
Having a whole bar for the app name is a waste, and this would make us different and not just a copy.<br>
my 2 cents<br>
George<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 4/18/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">Eric Dunbar</b> <<a href="mailto:eric.dunbar@gmail.com">eric.dunbar@gmail.com</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
On 4/12/05, Cameron Hutchison <camh+ubuntu@xdna> wrote:<br>> Once upon a time Thom Holwerda said...<br>> > > 1. I disagree with this and happen to dislike macos style of menus. I<br>> > > also question there overall usablity (a bigger issue)
<br>> ><br>> > Well, I happen to agree with him here for the full 100%. I've never been<br>> > fond of the<br>> > "every-window-needs-to-have-a-menubar-for-no-reason-other-than-it's-<br>> > the-current-paradigm-whether-it's-the-right-paradigm-or-not" ;).
<br>><br>> One problem with the menu-bar-at-the-top-of-the-screen paradigm is it<br>> conflicts with a standard and common focus model that many X window<br>> managers use - focus follows mouse. If you need to pass over other
<br>> windows to get to the menubar, the application for which you want to use<br>> the menubar will lose focus and the menubar will change.<br><br>"Just because that's the way it's always been done" is a really bad
<br>idea for keeping something.<br><br>The menu-bar-at-top is the undisputed champion of menu bars for the<br>majority (perhaps even vast majority) of computer users. Because <ta<br>da> it uses a *fixed* target *and* it uses the *edge* of the screen.
<br>Occasionally you see other interface elements use the fixed target,<br>edge-of-screen rule (most visibly the GNOME toolbar and Windows Start<br>Menu). And, when it's used it makes mousing around the screen a much<br>more efficient operation.
<br><br>This is a GUI design problem that is beyond the scope of the Ubuntu<br>designers for now (it's a serious problem in GUI design but Canonical<br>has bigger fish to fry since "it works" (albeit less than optimally)
<br>and there are lots of things that aren't anywhere near "it works"<br>(even if less than optimally)).<br><br>When I see Windows users "use" that GUI at work, I *consistently* see<br>successful mouse use with the Start menu and the task switcher, and
<br>consistent *failures* to select menus on the first attempt (resulting<br>in frustration) because menu-in-window offers a randomly located<br>target (if not maximised) and a poor target if maximised (because it<br>is not at the edge of the screen).
<br><br>> Having used both click-to-focus and focus-follows-mouse, I find the<br>> latter to be more useable and efficient. Click-to-focus also has the<br>> problem of being modal. That first click in a window can have different
<br>> behaviour to a second click in exactly the same spot, depending on where<br>> the focus is. Being a focus-follows-mouse person for most of my GUI<br>> experience, I find click-to-focus unnerving - I always have to find a
<br>> benign spot to click when I want to change focus due to the cognitive<br>> dissonance caused by clicking on something but have it do nothing.<br><br>Focus-follows-mouse is a "niche" market which will never catch on
<br>simply because it adds too much clutter to the computer using<br>experience. And, the "exception" or "niche" should never be that which<br>drives GUI design.<br><br>Please note, I am not, nor will I ever advocate the "niche" design NOT
<br>happen or be STOPPED. I merely argue that default(s) (design) must be<br>targeted at the "lowest common denominator" OR at the "largest user<br>group". The bulk of users will never set their preferences or install
<br>new software, EVEN ON LINUX. This is what OS designers in the case of<br>Ubuntu are apparently targeting, and thus defaults must be sensible<br>and usable by as many as possible -- an "advanced-user" (like someone
<br>who uses focus-follows-mouse or uses more than a three button mouse)<br>will change defaults anyway. GUI and OS design should be about making<br>the lives of the majority of users as easy as possible. What a<br>minority do with their computers should not be the concern of
<br>designers.<br><br>For example, most people will not ever use focus-follows-mouse and,<br>thus, focus-follows-mouse should never be default. Likewise, most<br>people (NOT ALL) are ill-served by menu-in-window, and, thus it ought
<br>NOT be the default. If desired, fans of these paradigms ought to be<br>able to turn them on, BUT, since they hinder most other users they<br>should not be the default.<br><br>The way I work with mice would drive most people nuts -- I'd love it
<br>if I didn't have to configure Linux to do the things I want it to do,<br>BUT if that were the case, few other people would enjoy the<br>experience.<br><br>> I'm not arguing, just presenting another point of view.<br>
<br>Not arguing either ;)... Just pointing out the reasons (which, BTW,<br>are backed by extensive research into the merits of menu-in-window vs.<br>menu-at-top (m.a.t. wins hands down)) why menu-at-top is the better<br>paradigm, even if that's not "the way it's always been [in the Windows
<br>world]".<br><br>There's one situation I can see *some* utility for menu-in-window and<br>that's in a mega-, multi-screen situation... but, even there it seems<br>like Mac users aren't poorly served by menu-at-top (you've still got a
<br>fixed target that never moves).<br><br>Although, even then I'm not sure since I NEVER, and I mean NEVER see<br>Windows users use non-minimised windows at work -- it's simply too<br>complex a task to try to click-on and navigate menus in a random
<br>location on the screen.<br><br>I myself find that I prefer to use the alt key to navigate menus in<br>non-maximised windows on Windows computers than fight with their<br>poorly designed menu-in-window system (and, I'm more computer-literate
<br>and interface-use capable than the overwhelming majority of my<br>Windows-only peers (if you'll pardon my modesty :) :) :).<br><br>Granted, the menu-at-top paradigm poses its own problems in that the<br>menu at the top of the screen does not necessarily belong to the
<br>window the user sees. (although, I see this happening to Windows-only<br>users on Windows computers so it might simply be something about the<br>typical Windows user <evil grin> ;-) However, this is a relatively
<br>minor problem since my experience is that people generally figure out<br>what's going on fairly quickly.<br><br>Anyway, given that we've seen Microslop use their muscle power to sell<br>poor software for twenty years (DOS was pretty damn bad from a user's
<br>POV) I'm not surprised that we're left with the legacy of their poor<br>design decisions (the best solution/product does not necessarily mean<br>it's the most popular solution/product).<br><br>Eric.<br><br>--<br>ubuntu-devel mailing list
<br><a href="mailto:ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br><a href="http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel">http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel</a><br></blockquote>
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