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Yes, I think big and ugly like java. Here are a few numbers. Python2.3 and python2.3-dev total under 16MB of space. An attempt to install muine tried to use over 60MBs disk space. Python memory footprint is under 9MB in virtual memory, where mono is over 40MBs. Perl has about the same picture of memory and disk usage as python and I do not think either python or perl are small. I have just compiled a personal version of python that fits in under 5MBs total, and that is still too fat in my book.<BR>
On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 16:25 +0200, Sami Haahtinen wrote:
<FONT COLOR="#000000">Big and ugly?</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">Like python? Like Perl? Like <name your scripting language here>?</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">I think you are referring to big and ugly like java, which is not the </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">case. Mono plays rather nice with the system, it doesn't waste too much </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">resources and so on. In theory, it should be lighter than perl and </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">pretty near python (as it is bytecompiled and all).</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">Oh well, people are entitled to have opinions.. What a shame.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">- Sami</FONT>