mobility and firewall

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Jun 3 10:46:13 CDT 2005

On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 01:47:24AM -0500, Lance Lassetter wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 22:56 -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > When you consider the quantity of feature ideas available which would
> > improve Ubuntu, and the relatively small amount of development resources we
> > have at our disposal, it's clear that we can't do everything we would like.
> > Priority will always be subjective and vary according to individual needs.
> > 
> > The Firewalls proposal, like most of the other remaining Ubuntu
> > specifications, is available for funding as a bounty arrangement, open to
> > anyone from the community who is capable of implementing it.
> hi, seems a bit complicated
> targeting multiple groups/machines.  what about a subsection just for
> laptop users connecting to multiple networks?

If you send your proposed specification to the authors of that one, I'm sure
they would be glad to integrate a simplified spec.

 - mdz

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