
Carlos Parra Camargo cparra at emergya.info
Thu Jun 2 05:18:14 CDT 2005

	I would like to take care of UbuntuExpress, as said in [0]
the project is available and is tagged as TBC - (default state, please
update asap with current status.) 

	Of course, i've read the bounty process, but before i "applied" i would
like to know if anyone is taking care of this project.

	I've applied "Summer of Code" of google for this project, but i don't
mind to be accepted or not in this program, i will take care of
UbuntuExpress because i'm experienced in the thecnology that's involved.
[0] http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyBounties

Project description
Project: UbuntuExpress [1]
Priority: High (as said in [2])
Description: Create an Ubuntu installation system which runs within the
Ubuntu live CD environment and works by copying and customizing the live
CD filesystem rather than installing packages.

[1] http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuExpress
[2] http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyBounties

My plan
  In Spain, there is a project called "Metadistros", i've worked a lot
in it, this project have a tool that do the job needed for UbuntuExpress
but it isn't compatible 100%. The program is written in bash and uses
xdialog and a little bit of zenity.

  I would reimplement it using python and a little bit of shell
scripting as main languages.

|__ A user interface
\__ Components 
    |_ A partitioning tool
    |_ A component to copy the filesystem into place
    |_ Base system configuration
    \_ Boot loader installation

  All the components are already implemented in other project but all of
them have to be integrated in a system that manages all of them and, of
course, the user interface have to be written (python + gtk).

My experience
- I'm developer of a small distro called "Guadalinex Mini" [3]
- I'm developer of the next distribution of the Andalucia
administration, Guadalinex 2005. [3]
- I've participated in Debian project as:
  - Spanish translator (debian-l10-spanish team)
  - Bug reporter (i'm a reportbug lover)
  - Fixing bugs.
  (In a close future, i would like to be a debian developer)
- I've send patches to zenity [4]
- I've packaged a lot of software into .deb, some of them you can find
in my web [5]
- I've good skills in python and gtk.

[3] http://www.guadalinex.org (Spanish)
[5] http://www.carlospc.org/debian/

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