Community Council meeting 20 dec 2005

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Fri Dec 23 12:39:27 GMT 2005

[Followups to this mail should go to sounder at!]

First of all sorry for my absence, I had some personal issues to attend
to and even was AWOL for a few days.

Wiki Licensing
The content of the wiki currently is unlicensed. In the future all new
wiki content will be licensend under the Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication. This is technically not a license. More info can be found on 
Authors of existing pages will be contacted and asked to agree with

IRC Team
There has been some discussion about an IRC team, which mainly was about
IRC operators being unavailable. There was no clear result from this
discussion yet and I'd like to add my 2 cents:

* There are logbots already, information about them and the channels 
  can be found on
* The channel operators can be located via chanserv. If no one is 
  available urgent requests can be routed via the Ubuntu/Freenode 
  contact to Freenode  staff.

New members
Lucas Nussbaum has been testing and using Ubuntu since it was called
no-name-yet and is currently active with the MOTU. He is also interested
in clusters and grids and has been introduced to server god fabbione.
Welcome in the Ubuntu Members team, Lucas.

Irvin Piraman has been active in various teams, including Edubuntu,
Ubuntu-PH, the GIS team and the Tagalog translation team. For this he
has been welcomed aboard the Ubuntu ship.

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor iedereen:
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