I've been reading this thread and I have some ideas for the mentioned issues:<br>
1. I'm not sure if traffic lights are the same all over the world, but
I think their color hierarchy could be applied to the icons in this
case: the "sleep" icon in green colour, the "hibernate" icon in orange
colour and the "shut down" one in red colour. I suggest this change
because the hibernate option causes a "heavier" response of the system
than the sleep one. Furthermore, this way the blue color could be used
for the "log out" icon better than the green one.<br>
2. I'd prefer (if possible) to use a window without titlebar
(just a thin border, like mentioned before in the thread). We could
have a "Log off" (or whatever) item in the menu to call this window and
forget about the title, using separators and headers to group the
3. Thinking on how the options are related (and on left to right priority) this could be a possible layout:<br>
_____Shut down options_____________________<br>
Shut down Restart<br>
_____Power save options____________________<br>
Sleep Hibernate<br>
_____Session management options____________<br>
Log Out Switch user Save session (may be not a good idea, but could feet here)<br>
But I suggest this layout as my favorite one:<br>
_____Power save options______________________________________<br>
Shut down Restart Sleep Hibernate<br>
_____Session management options______________________________________<br>
Log Out Switch user Save session (may be not a good idea, but could feet here)<br>
Best wishes for the 2006,<br>