we need more illustrations of ducks in tuxedo's with slicked back long hair<br>
<br><br>On 9/16/05, volvoguy <<a href="mailto:volvoguy@gmail.com">volvoguy@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>> On 9/15/05, John <<a href="mailto:john@nosuitsit.com">john@nosuitsit.com</a>> wrote:<br>> <br>> > OK, Just to kick off the submissions and encourage people, a quick 5 minute
<br>> > cartoon one :-)<br>> <br>> Nice. Unfortunately all I can picture is Disney's Scrooge McDuck. :o)<br>> No doubt Mark could afford to license the character, but he (McDuck)<br>> really remind me more of a mascot for Microsoft than for any free
<br>> software project. hehe.<br>> <br>> --<br>> Aaron<br>> <br>> Ubuntu SVG Artwork - <a href="http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu">http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu</a><br>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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