[ubuntu-art] Jaunty BG: Laolo (painted)

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Thu Feb 26 21:14:02 GMT 2009


Just added

This one is based on a sketch that actually precedes the earlier
"frontal" take. It is meant to express community spirit, a spark running
through a line of people with an upward movement.

I'm stretching my abilities here. If I continue with it, I intend to
clean it up quite a bit, but to retain visible strokes, as I think the
lack of (facial) features will look wrong, otherwise. Putting in all
those details would raise the difficulty level tremendously, add lots of
distractions not suitable for a background and likely break the flow.

This is very likely the last concept in this series, only refinement of
perhaps just 1 or 2 wallpapers to follow.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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