[ubuntu-art] "Start here" button

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 23 20:20:55 GMT 2009

Ryan Prior wrote:
> I'm starting tot think this is a case where pixel art
> should really be sought rather than vector art. All the tiny "start" icons
> I'm seeing remind me of the limitations of vector art as the size of final
> icon shrinks, so if you can either touch-up or completely compose a "start
> here" icon in a by-pixel fashion, I suspect that would produce the best
> result for us in the end.

This is why all the Breathe icons are drawn at the size they are
intended to be used at. :) So a "tiny" bitmap will be the same as a
"tiny" SVG when they're both drawn at the same size.

Sebastien's current start images are just tests.

-Cory K.

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