[ubuntu-art] Miu XFWM

Steve Dodier sidnioulz at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 22 14:13:46 GMT 2009

Hello people,

Just wanted to say i made an XFWM theme for Miu.
Here's the link : http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99823

Something else about Miu. I'm not sure my murrine engine is properly installed (i'm getting trouble with Launchpad repos cause i can't register the PPA keys cause of the keyservers all using a port that is closed on my proxy), and Thunar renders really awefully with Miu (that's why i'm using human reprise on the screenies i made). Would someone who has it properly installed mind making a screenshot so that i can see how it's rendering ?


Inédit ! Des Emoticônes Déjantées! Installez les dans votre Messenger ! 
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